Yes. And we are so proud of our precious little air-breathing reptiles! Floridians fiercely protect the turtles nesting habitat down here along the East Coast. Lights along the beach go out each night at 9pm because turtles nest in the dark. Conservationists add little taped stakes around nests each morning so that beahgoers stay away from nests. And we even hit the beach before dawn some mornings to watch the hatchlings from afar.
Fun Facts about Florida Sea Turtles
- Sea turtle nesting season in Florida lasts through October.
- A female sea turtle can lay more than 100 eggs per nest.
- Some juvenile and adult sea turtles eat jellyfish.
- Loggerheads are the most abundant sea turtle species nesting in Florida.
- Male sea turtles never return to shore after hatching, but female sea turtles come back to sandy beaches to nest.